Open from May 15 to September 15
Tuesday to Sunday
10.00 – 18.00
Off-season visits only with previous arrangements
+372 5347 9819
Admission 5.00 EUR Concessions 3.00 EUR
Only cash
+372 5347 9819
Recipient: Hiiumaa Militaarajalooselts
SEB Bank IBAN: EE171010220044620012
Urmas Selirand
+372 508 3648
Arnold Aare Kivisikk
+372 5662 5957
Mati Lepna
+372 529 5562
The project aims to jointly develop 4 accessibility solutions, pilot them and implement in 11 Estonian-Latvian military heritage tourism sites to improve the existing Military Heritage tourism product accessibility for different social groups.
HMS will be involved in the following tasks and activities: partner working groups for joint solution development, international workshop, piloting and finalisation of the solutions, development of marketing publications and video, marketing and PR activities. HMS will be responsible to implement accessibility solutions in Hiiumaa Military Museum, Estonia. Partner is responsible to participate in project meetings and to report to the lead partner. HMS budget in the project: 73910.- EUR, ERDF co-financing 59128.- EUR
Hiiu vald, Tahkuna.
9 kilometers from Kärdla-Kõrgessaare highway towards Tahkuna. The museum is to the left of Tahkuna road, pointing the way is a sign "Militaarmuuseum 0,1".
The Hiiumaa Military Museum was established in 2007 in the former border guard station of Tahkuna.
The museum takes pride in its collection of coastal defence cannons – featuring 180 mm, 130 mm and 100 mm cannon barrels.
The outdoor exhibition includes armoured personnel carriers BTR-70, BRDM-2, ZIL-157, GAZ-66 and other vehicles, a reconstruction of the border strip, civil defence shelter, border guard speedboat, sea mines, anti-tank gun, border guard viewing platform, radar and radio masts.
The diesel house features a fully equipped diesel generator, as well as fuel tanks and canisters.
In the museum's main building, the preserved marine observation radar, in use until 2005, still stands in its original place.
The museum has held exhibitions of cannon projectiles and shell casings, helmets, hats and uniforms, communication devices, educational posters, and civil defence equipment.
It also has a furnished barracks corner with an iron bunk bed, a Communist dedication corner and an armoury.